Sunday, August 20, 2017

August 20th

So I survived. First week at school a new school done, and although it was terrifying at some points scary at others ultimately it was GREAT! I love the new school and new room and I can't wait to get to know the new kids. Next week I will tell you more about whats going on in the class room. This week may be the last art upload for a while while we I mean I get into the swing of things. I hope you like the art I am really proud of these pages they turned out really well. You can see my new rug i purchased in the background shout out to Aldi only 4.99!!!!

Leave a comment let me know what you think!!!! See you next week!


  1. love them looking forward to more art

  2. Thank you so much! hopefully once I get into the swing of things with school more art work will come.
